
Stewards of Tomorrow

Connecting people and place

If it isn’t already obvious, we are deeply passionate about exploring the breathtaking landscapes New Zealand is known for.  We are also passionate about looking after them. Our deep appreciation for the outdoors drives us to actively participate in and support various conservation efforts to ensure these places can be enjoyed for generations to come.

We believe in the intrinsic value of being outdoors and are committed to looking after these pristine yet fragile ecosystems we are lucky enough to operate in.

By choosing Aspiring Guides, you join a community of adventurers who value and contribute to the preservation of this taoka, this treasured place. We dedicate a portion of every trip to support the local organizations that share the same values.

Aspiring Guides

Southern Lakes Sanctuary

We are proud supporters of Southern Lakes Sanctuary, an organisation dedicated to the conservation of New Zealand's indigenous wildlife and biodiversity which has been greatly affected by introduced mammalian predators.

Through this partnership, we contribute to oversight of local traplines located within the areas we operate our trips. These traplines are in place to minimise rat and stoat populations. We log the results from these traplines and assist with maintenance up-keep. Southern Sanctuary's efforts in habitat restoration and pest control are crucial in maintaining strong biodiversity within our region, and we are honoured to support their initiatives.

Kea Conservation Trust

The kea (Nestor notabilis), New Zealand's iconic mountain parrot, holds a special place in our hearts as lovers of the high-alpine. We actively financially support Kea Conservation Trust and the work they do to protect and enrich the future of these intelligent and curious birds.

Kea Conservation Trust assists in the conservation efforts for these birds in their natural habits as well as increasing the standards of kea’s held in captivity.

Join the Aspiring Club Newsletter

We’re at our best when we’re scaling rock, ice and snow but we give this email thing a crack every so often (Monthly-ish). If you want to hear about new adventures and updates, then join our newsletter.

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